Erol Delos Santos

Erol Delos Santos is an Aspirant with the UUA and continues to take steps toward Ministerial Fellowship. He is committed to spiritual wellness, art, activism, and care for those from various backgrounds/religions. Erol focuses on urban ministry work and sermons where different faiths work together to help others, especially in New York City. This project was a logo rebrand to create a logo that better represented Erol and his role in ministry. 

The logo design takes inspiration from the flaming chalice from UUT and stained glass Erol creates art pieces with. The glass textures for the brand were painted digitally to recreate actual stained glass from the client. The brand style guide below gives more details about the redesigns and the uses of each element. 

Concept Round #1

Original Logo

Concept Round #2

Final Process

Client’s Original Glass Pieces


The Ahndrian Collection Vol. 1


914 Music Co